Autumn Invitational - Day 4 (5/13) - Town Wins!

Probably want to look at Katze sometime again tomorrow just to really get a handle on that slot, but I have been feeling relatively positive about what they have done.

Like they did the openwolving whatever thing and got a lot of flack for it, which I felt was somewhat undeserved, because they had quality reads in between. I didn’t really comment prior, because I dislike making posts without rereading in full and that would require me to also parse the openwolving posts, which I just dislike to do? Overall I think it’s better than not posting at all atm though, so have this. Now that I wrote this down, I’m realizing that “pity” of kinds is not the best way to townread someone. Should probably read when they counterclaimed Mist.

Bf is here in a few minutes, so I’m out. Tomorrow I’ll be free from work after saying goodbye to a colleague, so will probably have more time on my hands.

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
sulit Geyde, orangeandblack5, Hippoyeetus 3/5
Hippoyeetus sulit 1/5
Not voting Icibalus, katze, Solic, Arete 4
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happy thanksgiving btw


Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
sulit Geyde, orangeandblack5, Hippoyeetus 3/5
Not voting Icibalus, katze, Solic, Arete, sulit 5

But why

I’m wall posting


theres 2 VT claims lol

sulit lock v?
also might post less for the next few days my wrist is starting to disagree with me so ill probably try to let it rest

oh, and also thanksgiving exists

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If I don’t know

The scum may well not either

tempted to force a massclaim against oranges will because its p obvious who at least 2 PRs are :wowee:

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lets all guess prs whoever is agreed to have worst guesses is hung because that lines up with mafia killign VTs


morning everyone

probably won’t be super active because of Thanksgiving but it’s not like my family is going anywhere :upside_down_face:

It’s literally Thanksgiving wtf

That’s so late lmao

to be fair I woke up earlier!! stop bullying me

(this is a joke you’re not actually bullying me)

/bully Arete


who outside of immediate consensus poe (me/solic/hippo) do you think could plausibly be a wolf


Sulit before hippo prob

Kat comes to mind

I want to read kat