Autumn Invitational - Day 4 (5/13) - Town Wins!

Because if you guys feel comfortable clearing me that’s just mechlock

That’s so lame

why what lol

I feel like getting basically mech lock at 8 players left is hardly riveting lol

  1. Arete - case on slot is incredibly specific. requires a narrow viewpoint regarding play. n1 kill can come from this slot? n2 idk
  2. Icibalus - case on slot is weird. path to endgame is incredibly weird considering they were clearing me/hippo hard and solic somewhat. theoretically a wolf? I don’t see wolf be this invested in this game past d1. interactions aren’t a great look though
  3. Orange - great interactions. I’m like pretty sure this slot is town but doesn’t hurt to be a little safe
  4. Sulit - exists. haven’t read this fully
  5. katze - exists. had a decent ish interaction with dat but it wasn’t anything that I’d really hate? Dat posted quite a bit and tried quite hard until second half of d1


Still, happens when wolves get dunked on D1

I’m like
somewhat okay with clearing you
but Ici is like
very close

I’d need to really get a grasp on both of your slots to understand which to add to the clear

I’m admittedly more sketched out of Ici now that I know Solic/Hippo/you are indeed clear

But I think that’s just a response to my other paranoia being removed rather than inherent suspicion

Also not sure how much is postcount-related

I’d probably go you?
I can make a semi-coherent case regarding Ici not really pushing either of his teammates substantially but reaching out to agree with solic on a dat clear

So then that would be mechlock

Vig should NOT claim unless about to be lynched so they have to kill me before F3 and we get a mechclear in over me

But that’s gg

But yeah if last scum isn’t rber/jker that’s hard mechlock either way

So in that case nobody will blame you if you just give up now :slight_smile:

Save us all some time

RIP Katzs POE of me geyde and solic

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You can stop having to read my posts :wink:

Dont worry I never started

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for real tho

Anyways I’m comfortable enough just burning through kat/sulit first, then having to deal with Arete/Ici if the game isn’t over

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
sulit Hippoyeetus 1/5
orangeandblack5 katze 1/5
Geyde Arete 1/5
katze orangeandblack5 1/5
Not voting Icibalus, Solic, sulit, Geyde 4

This was wrong

Scum needs to kill Geyde twice then the other invest target unless the vig outs

So I always make it to F3 unless they’d rather try to fight two mechclear then try to turn one on me
