Autumn Invitational - Day 4 (5/13) - Town Wins!

I think I know what they’re on about

We shouldn’t tell you

Never mind I have no idea



I also hate bussing and wouldn’t do it

and also also my interactions with Mist/Dat (minus the CC which technically could be argued to be for that) were super not oriented around getting cred (because I didn’t know they were wolves), like, if for some reason I were going to bus which I wouldn’t do because bussing is minus EV in the vast majority of cases I wouldn’t do it by voting Mist for wolfclaiming while making a joke about it

and also also also Mist got mad at orange when he tried to clear me from her spew

why would sulit be a wolf

I don’t really think she is

if I were trying to make an argument for sulit W I’d say ‘sulit hasn’t been posting very much today and sulit’s WiM tanks D2+ as a wolf’

but I don’t really believe it

then who do you think plausibly has a macro case for being a wolf



present the case :slight_smile:

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her dance around her claim today specifically feels wolfy

like it’s also katzey

but it feels like she knows she’s getting CC’d and she’s trying to set herself up to be able to be like ‘look, even though I fakeclaimed a PR, it’s not because I’m a wolf’

okay so you’re refuting your own evidence here


also NAI technically

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everyone else is townie so PoE says it’s you, I have a hard time seeing a world where it’s any of the not mech clear people

you haven’t been interacting with me in good faith, you’ve just been trying to twist my actions to make them look wolfy rather than actually make any attempt to analyze the motivation behind them

if im VT i know im getting CCed because im VT

therefore i’d optimally have a reason to do this and try to show that

if im a wolf this is also the caes

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i literally claimed PR just to get you out of your fucking tunnel to give you a chance to redeem yourself

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how is this bad faith i am giving you lifelines

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your treatment of me literally all game has been lifeless

you have never once actually looked at my posts to come to a conclusion

you have given a weak “pr or wolf” read on me with no meaning behind it other than “haha she claimed PR d1 :slight_smile:

if i am a wolf then read my posts and tell me why im a wolf

you are refusing to do that

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and then when I didn’t instantly believe you you were like ‘wowee Arete is lock wolf for not instantly believing my PR claim, something which I, kat, would definitely only do as V’

without even trying to consider what motivation I would have as any alignment for not instantly trusting the claim

there are genuinely very wolfy things ive done this game probably! half of why i’m not locking you W is because you’re not even latching onto the things you could probably kill me for if you were a W!

i don’t actually remember this

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i think i’ve been pretty reasonable treating your slot this game

i thought you were out of your wolf range

i reevaluated

i think you’re the most actively wolfy person in my 3 person PoE

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