Autumn Invitational - Day 4 (5/13) - Town Wins!

That’s… actually a good point. And the tonal simmilarity fades when Dat is discussing their actual reads later on.

okay you’ve sold me i’m going to stop shading dat now
dat seems pretty villagery thus far if we disregard that

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ok imma just lay it out step by step

I come in with orange/kat/geyde reads

all genuine reasoning

When i make the SBPC list it was a ~meme/RT

I no longer had those reads later
I rescinded the reads
I then revealed the thing was a meme



marshals gonna make a witty “katze is VT” comment so fuck off in advance

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short question which you don’t have to answer truthfully

is it motion detector

fair warning that im voting you again if the answer is yes

I don’t believe you genuinely feel threatened 4 hours into a 48 hour day

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katze is VT because I’m parity cop

impossible i am mafia jailkeeper

acceptable response

Thank god it’s 48 hours, saw somewhere before saying 36.

I also have liked quite a few of Marshal’s recent posts
Think they get a pass for today?

JA -
TI - marshal
TI -
TP -
TK -
TS -
RT - kat
RT -
RT -
GF -
MF -
RM -
RM -
WI -
NE -

let’s go

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i wouldnt have claimed if i was MD, i enjoy memes too much

it’s been obvious as shit anyway read my fucking iso

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that was me

I was wrong

look I could’ve sworn it said it was 36/12 on the invitation okay
not that it would’ve affected whether I joined or not, but still!

lol @ ppl buying the PR claim

i just claimed mafia jailkeeper put me in RM

modkill ici

This read seems bad faith