Autumn Invitational - Day 4 (5/13) - Town Wins!


oh this songā€™s good

You have me for a few more minutes


dat/orange not w/w


Like I cannot overstate how obvious that should have already been lmao

bold of u to assume ive read

Which is also more or less what I was saying to mist ig

im literally tinfoiling them being w/w



Song over

Going to bed after datā€™s next post

inb4 he pulls a luxx

Like marshals whole interaction with Ici is just garbo. Because its like u did a rt with the sbpc thing and rescinded and then when asked why just are like why are u asking. Cause you did something needlessly just obtuse and people want to see your mindset as they dont understand it.

like if u had this, why not just say it. and even better u have this

this would have just answered the question from the get go instead of just deflecting it twice and then giving a half answer and then a full answer. Why didnā€™t u just say this from the beginning. If u had genuine thoughts on those and then rescinded them you could have just said this and this interaction wouldnā€™t be the mess it was

whats that?

alr gn

I felt that iciā€™s questions werenā€™t really helpful
they tried to overanalyze an interaction I felt really didnā€™t need to be overanalyzed

So I called him on it and he answered and we went on our merry way

I dont see whats wolfy about that

Again hippo is essentially just saying a scumread on him is bad. It just feels stilted. This is all his content posting essentially nothing of content.

he wont even answer solics simple question that heā€™s been trying to get out of him

do you think you are villagery enough for me to not vote you

i donā€™t remember my reasoning

Everyone solves differently, like idk I just dont see the point in not just answering the question. Sure he might be over analysizing it to you, but if it helps him solve you whats the problem. Isnt that half the battle not only finding scummy people, but making sure people dont think you are scummy.


I also donā€™t think iā€™m wolfy enough to justify a vote if ur not just gaming with ur vote

I think there are better options