Autumn Invitational - Day 4 (5/13) - Town Wins!

dat’s strong tonal meta was only so reliable because there were zero examples of it being broken
it happening once is strong enough reason for me to disregard its’ absence as a reason to think himv

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im trying to do stuff, doesnt mean i cant be bored

im too focused on trying to read into kat openwolfing

fuck this

I think it’s better for these particular cards to be below the table

on a meta level–

–so I have seen kat openwolf as a villager, such as when she did it in LyLo of Mountainous 15er, and when she claimed Inq in FoL 28, and she also tried to convince me to let her do it in her hydra game although I didn’t let her (once as part of a Slayer’s Gambit, but that wasn’t the only time she suggested it – I’m ignoring the Slayer’s Gambit part because that’s probably not very useful)

but in those games it sort of “made sense” under the given circumstances? like it didn’t make sense under normal person logic but it was like, she was under pressure and annoyed about it, and she actually had a reason

whereas here she doesn’t have a clear reason and it makes me think that she’s doing it because she’s hoping for cred because ‘lol it’s just kat being kat, why would she openwolf as scum’

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ur doing the shit eevee does every game with me. Scumreading me for reactions its boring, and now that i said its boring suddenly thats a real bad thing.



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kat why are you in thread

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your words don’t line up with your thoughts

im too [REDACTED] to actually leave

i saw datbirds comment and had to respond

but im leaving for real i promise bye


when I ask you what you’re doing
I would think it reasonably would refer to thread given that I’m a hardcore gamer

I guess you could interpret it as ‘how are you doing oog’
But how you build off of it despite your previous content sort of digging into the game at points is ???


can you explain where you’re coming from

like skimming the posts Geyde quoted it looks like Dat just doesn’t have thoughts at all, which while admittedly not a great look is different from his words and his thoughts not lining up

your tone that you have answering my post is so out of line compared to the read you have on me

in particular his first/second post

think it was the first one sec


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Opening reads is based

the snap into “everything is boring” is so mind-bending that I can only read it as fake

I posted a joynerd so I’m locktown

like I did I feel nothing much from the thread atm, I was excited for this game, and seeing how many people were posting seconds into the gate was exciting and then I started reading and just got less impressed, and then I saw oranges tactic to read me and felt just like “really… thats how we starting off the gate”