Autumn Invitational - Day 4 (5/13) - Town Wins!

after looking at the case you made
I can now sort of see that it’s fairly genuine

For Dat as scum
He’s usually not comfortable in thread
So I don’t think he would be looking for any deliberate reason behind giving sass if he was scum
His sass isn’t going against his own ‘code’ that he’s established

I’m finding it hard to understand why ‘sass = town’

I’m pretty sure Solic is operating from a perspective where wolves are controlled and villagers are not in their actions, and from that point of view sass is indicative of allignment. In previous metas, I’d argue that tell probably makes sense. Current meta on this site goes against it though.

Reexaming DatBird as we speak.


fair warning I am writing a wallpost right now

theres 3 mafia you cringe cat


Prologue: Dawn Of A New Era

I’ve been conflicted on DatBird this whole game, mostly because while he is Not In His Village Meta, the elements that resemble parts of his wolf meta just… aren’t there to the degree they normally are. As somebody with a history of Sick Vig Shots™ on Dat, this is troubling to me, as now I have to actually read his posts with intent to read rather than to consider.

The question I want to ask, moving on from this is: For what reason would Dat act the way he has acted in this game were he a villager- or, phrased differently but in a manner that is analogous, what perspective is he operating from?

This perspective doesn’t have to be consistent or even good, it just has to be there. Let’s take a summation of every major read Dat has posted this game:


Part 1: Casus Belli

The predominate method I’m seeing here is that Dat points to things which are somewhat unexplained in people’s posts, and suggests that they are wolfy. He also says that villagers can do anything, but so can wolves, and implies that he is coming at the game from a probalisitc approach- tweaking nebulous odds in his head in response to stimulus. Take also this post:

there’s other content in the post but it’s not relevant here, and it’s not like i’m concealing it or anything.

The question now becomes whether this perspective (a mix of probablism, meta, and gut) is the driving force behind his posts, as we would expect to see if he’s a villager.

Part 2: The War

…yeah his posts follow that perspective pretty neatly actually. His posts, in my opinion, actually do make sense in terms of that. They’re consistent, in my opinion. I realise that it’s harder to prove consistency than inconsistency, but I will nontheless try to demonstrate a lack of incongruity in perspective.

Every bit of content he’s dropped thus far has been a matter of pointing out perceived incongruity. There’s been no instances of him doing what I’d expect a wolf to do when imitating that perspective (which I would argue is actually quite hard), namely to begin with the probing comments and analysis, but then to move in to a more summary style in order to enact an agenda.

This is also consistent with Dat’s meta; as a wolf, Dat may begin with a naturalistic style of reading that he demonstrates in his village games, however in my experience the wallposts that are seen as his wolftell arise from two factors:

  1. His tonal tic of long, ambivilant sentences drawing out post length.
  2. His desire to sum up points that he would not were he not trying to push an agenda.

I realise it is early in the game still, and writing a wallpost such as this one may be premature, but I believe that the lack of summary combined with the naturalistic progression (completely independent of the quality of reads, by the way, I dislike quite a few of Dat’s takes) indicates that Dat is >rand v.

Epilogue: Don’t Vote Dat, He’s >Rand V

Don’t vote dat, he’s >rand v.

Appendix of Ambivalence

  • This is entirely subject to change and I am by no means clearing Dat. I simply believe he’s villagery enough to not get yeeted today.

you didnt need to write a wallpost saying that we shouldnt yeet dat today when multiple people have already expressed that yeeting dat today is stupid

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it’s occurred to me that expressing my reads in a form only arete has the patience to read is probably a mistake, yes

anyway hippo has been unimpressive both content-wise and humour-wise he can die

/vote Hippo

(uh. i have to point out that while hippo’s actions are at odds with his more analytical wolf meta, which is actually strangely strong despite being out-of-character because it’s an inherrently appealing format to villagers, i’m willing to bet he doesn’t care about this game enough to do that, and the near-complete absence of proactive content is Not Good:tm:)

if worst comes to worst we can just vote out mist today and if we’re wrong its funny and if we’re right its gamer


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this says a lot about society


holy shit

if I’m mafia why isn’t my role card red?

Gg ez

hippo how many carrots could you eat in a single sitting if somebody like. forced you to eat as many carrots as possible?