Autumn Invitational - Day 4 (5/13) - Town Wins!

when you rescinded you were like

“it doesnt make sense for me to do that”

/vote No Elimination @Chloe @astand

you suck

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i feel like you misunderstood me or you’re misremembering

im too lazy to find post, burden of proof is on you etc etc

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Katze has barely made more content than no elimination but if I had to go one i’d choose Noel


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this is prob the towniest post you’ve written all game

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i dont care i still wanna kill you

What’s an MD

is it because haha katze got D1ed as [REDACTED] or…?

mom (and) dad

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motion detector

I dont get it but whatevs. Kat did you rescind the MD claim or no?

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
Mistyx sulit, Geyde, Arete 3/7
Hippoyeetus DatBird, Icibalus, Vulgard 3/7
katze Centuries 1/7
Marshal Mistyx 1/7
Centuries Hippoyeetus 1/7
DatBird orangeandblack5 1/7
orangeandblack5 Solic 1/7
No elimination Marshal 1/7
Not voting katze 1


i claimed PR i didnt claim MD

except in my first post i did claim MD just to fuck with conroy france

but in my actual claim i never specified

and no i have not retracted unless you’re a wolf in which case yes i did

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So Arete is scum? :thinking:

25% chance of yes

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I feel like early thread had a lot more fun stuff
And I can’t see the entire wolf team completely being in PoE

So I suggest we kill Arete


why not?