Basic FoL/FM strategy [Town/Village only (currently)]

Pls no. Being scorned and having your target be an IC is one of the worst things to happend actually.

if it’s any consolation I’m sorry for not really trying to play wolf properly that game

You were trying your damnedest to not get Lynched.

Don’t immediately attribute bad play to not trying :wink:

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Omnimiller was sustainable
Omnimiller strongwilller was pushing it

i have no fucking clue why I tried to clear eevee with that like a fucking idiot

my entire play was a brainfart that game and you know it

Tbh, it was so fucking bad, that it was believable to some people.

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i was definitely trying to level you guys

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BTW Icibalus how do you balance a flipless game compared to a non-flipless game?

you don’t mod a flipless game unless it’s open.
all the benfits of flipless comes from being able to fake power rands easily as wolf, the All Star setup used by video mafia streamers demonstrates this. it’s entirely based on wolves being able to fake every single power rand with enough skill


Ok but like how should I balance it in terms of the town/maf ratio? And how strong should the PR’s be? I’ve never hosted a flipless game but I am fascinated by them.

you still always go for 25% of the players being wolves or Village = Wolves*3+1

the power rands should be more town-favoured, but with a lower reliance on non-investigatives.

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main thing to note is NO LOGS.
make investigatives die terrified and silent, force the village to have very little way to gain information from the dead


Sounds good. So obviously I should give everyone a 1 shot peek and hope for the best

make the wolves strongmen alpha wolves and i’m good

Because we all know that strongman is important when you don’t roll any protectives

pointless WIFOM is best WIFOM

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Wait is it okay to put a poison healer in a game with no posioner to confuse town

it’'s okay to do that but the village might scream at you afterwards

Now I want to host a role madness game that is mountainous in all but name. But then make everyone THINK that their roles are important and impactful by making the whole thing closed setup.

4x town doctor
1x town vigilante
1x scum doctor
1x scum vigilante
The rest cits / goons
Call it like
Emergency Bullet Removal