BASTARD SWORD - Interest Check

not really got anything you haven’t included

however what I will suggest it
just make it fun for people to play in, but also make it fun for yourself to host
also more neutrals
people love neutrals
I love neutrals

that’s literally all I care about rn

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I’ll try give better feedback when I’m in less of a depressive mood

Idk I think reason ppl don’t like multiball is same as the one ppl don’t like NK. It is that they have very low chance of winning and the actions don’t feel impactful relative to wincon.

sorry about that

not true
i hate dead interaction because i keep fucking randing it

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also personal thoughts
neutral killers are generally either overpowered (CFM2), underpowered (homestuck fm), or just generally unfun to play as or against, depending on the overall card itself

is this why they call me Aretebot

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Disagree. My kit was basically just the NPCs to make up for the fact that I was only one person in my faction and for my night kill to be unlocked I had to make sure both mods were dead.

Much of the random bullshit that I had, like the night-skip, the two dayvigs, the alignment cop and the like were won in events. And after Sulit used the desperado shot on me it was basically free-roam for me since it would be extremely hard to convince people I was Mafia.

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I remember that game, ah those was the times…

Didn’t you accidentally guilt-kill one of your own wolfmates?

Wait no.
In that revenant game I was the winner?
In a revenant game anyway lol

Jester I love. Just not game ending ones, as you have.

LWs are great fun. I’ve seen some games with them! Example: Insurgency FM. Kyo was LW… Who I tunneled hard due to ‘suspecting them’ and I was right… as a wolf.

3P own factions sound cool?

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(Just to go through some maybes)

octuple voter

but i digress
the main problem with a neutral killer is that when you put it in a game somebody isn’t gonna have fun
the neutral killer could have a poorly designed toolkit that makes winning near impossible, or get mechfucked day 2 and instantly lose the game
usually when a neutral killer wins the game it’s a total curb stomp for reasons i’m about to get to and you generally don’t have fun when the neutral killer completely chokeholds the game
and as promised, the biggest problem with neutral killer
unlike the funny wolves and the very numerous town, if a neutral killer dies it’s game over and they’ve completely lost any chance at victory, something that makes it very stressful to play, since one mistake could cost you everything

except that one time in DGADT but that’s an outlier

hard disagree on this

what is the point of running a bastard game that isn’t a shitpost

when you’re doing a bastard game you gotta find the compromise
it’s gotta be funny but you can’t just go full tilt
but personally, the name is all i need

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I mean how else are you supposed to actually solve for a serial killer?

serial killers can just post the same words