Battle of 25 armies - Warhammer Fantasy FM - RoM & Elf win

@Livicus said this was a scum driven wagon. I was thinking and 60% of people here are scum (40% town heads) so most of the time it will be a scum wagon. We will see if wagonamonics will work here don’t think it will work

I’m 75% sure Sam is Chaos

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My dude. Add some context to those posts. I haven’t read that part of the thread and was wondering what we are doing and why

Isn’t chaos the one with the super kill powers


They are also anti TN

Chaos is the neutral evils. I literally said we should focus on killing them if the opportunity arrises

Hard to say. bout his stuff now to defend isaac even with quotes who he stated that he somehow knows that alice is a greenskin tailor and such sounds very weird to me tbh.

Has Ici even said anything yet?


I already said that

They have.

Irl stuff apparently

I said that as well.

See earlier today. Like 200 posts earlier

See today, 1000 posts earlier

Why would Isaac call sarun specifically tailor. Right now i am thinking like he had information that sarun is tailor and Isaac tried to bus her? I would like to push sarun of Isaac flips scum

Sam you are making me think you are more likely to be scum with every post.

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Sam can you imagine a Insanity/Livicus/Isaac team/

I still don’t know why we were pushing insanity tbh. He seems like a common mislynch every game and I might feel that it is opportunistic scum pushing the wagon. At that point insanity might be any factions since we have so many scum teams pushing for lynches in anyone but themselves

So what about livicus? Also Isaac looked like he was trying to actually distance a lot with insanity.

My dude. You think Isaac knows what distancing is?

Right now if Isaac flips scum I want to push sarun tbh