Battle of 25 armies - Warhammer Fantasy FM - RoM & Elf win

/vote Blue

I guess…

We are safe to vote him before he reached L-4.

I thught she was claiming elf/dwarf

Vote Count:

Voted Voters Count
Blue Luxy Max Insanity Blizer 4/12

Hey blizer meet livicus

Looking back, she only softed it near the EoD.

Her first 40 posts from a greenskin perspective, is openwolfing.

Also /vote Blue

And hey Blizer what’s up

My scum senses are tingling.

K that’s enough votes


I scumread Liv and Insanity, both on the same wagon.

The Tinfoil mate.

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/vote blue

oh yeah


I thought you were a good guy

Unvote and stop voting him

@Kirefitten that tinfoil seems awfully spicy

Literally I don’t want a repeat of last time

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/unvote and stop voting bluestorm

That was basically bin being impatient

and thinking about it, that’s all bin has done in his past games

Being quick to vote? Do you find anything wrong with that overall?