Battle of 25 armies - Warhammer Fantasy FM - RoM & Elf win

This is not a vote to condemn

this is a vote to get him to talk

and more


Another Openwolfer.

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Fk, do you know specifically how many people visited Bin?

It is not pressuring if you say that?

This isnā€™t even openwolfing

i am a tracker I donā€™t even know who visited bin


It was, considering what Blue has said and what Sam saw.


:crossed_swords: :mountain: :crossed_swords:

Fire was redirected


he claimed survivor?

Redirected onto me?

He claimed Bulletproof i believe.

I never said that. I donā€™t know who fire was redirected to.

Thereā€™s no bulletproof so he would have had to claimed survivor

okay nevermind Squid

it is a vote to condemn

No, I say he might possibly be redirected onto me.

This post.


so he softed survivor

or some kind of self tp

This aswell.

He Visited Fk.

So he cant be Bulletproof.

or if he is, hes the chaos that is Death immune at night.