Battle of 25 armies - Warhammer Fantasy FM - RoM & Elf win

And now I see why I was pinged lol. :stuck_out_tongue:

Fun times XD

??? Again I am a cit and you already said 5 people visited FK. Was this a lie? Or was this a piss poor reaction test? Leaning the latter.

Ouch that had to hurt :frowning:

Noted thank you.

Something feels off on this but I agree with Blue being scum due to visiting FK. Letā€™s see what he flips before assigning roles. Thatā€™s a surefire way to end up mindfucked


So here is where Insanity also claimed bus drivered.

This is very very odd.

I doubt Insanity made that part up because Squid also claimed driven

Are you assuming that what Sam said isnā€™t the truth? If so, then it contradicts the following statement

This shows you believing the statement is true despite what you said earlier

Although the likely idea is that his teammate is bus driver and swapped him with Squid

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But I canā€™t be undead/Greenskin if OTB prove that I gave him the shield last night.

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I doubt the shield gives notifications

It gives a notification.

Along with the sword.

Do not give the sword to bin even though heā€™s confirmed lol

Maximus asked me who in the visitors I thought were the respective evil roles.



Emphasis on this please.

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Press F to begin CITJR 4

Not if I get PR again


Chaos Realms of man

-Pass a real sword and real armor so that the receiver may use it on any night.

-Canā€™t give both to the same person

-Chaos role will be called Arms Dealer, and can optionally give fake armos and swords

-Sword allows to kill someone ALONGSIDE own action and armor protects from a kill on that night.