Battle of 25 armies - Warhammer Fantasy FM - RoM & Elf win

I have never felt less motivation to play a game before ngl

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So gonna go crash now. Any further questions let me know.


Just with an @MathBlade

And I mean the colloquial ā€œcrashā€ as in sleep


/Replace Out

Rest in peace.

Looks at FoL Discord
Itā€™s fishing season

Berserker would have targeted OTB if they have the chance, so I doubt there is a Berserker.

Deja vu


Iā€™ve been in this place before.

Hmā€¦guess my feeling bout isaac was right. And bout ici wrongā€¦welp

/presses f

i can indeed confirm that iā€™ve got the shield from @Insanity

I replaced out because the host very clearly doesnā€™t care about this game so why should i? :thinking:

Thereā€™s barely anyone to replace in -_-

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if you try really hard and find all of the chaos, greenskin, and undead iā€™ll tell you my info

Dam. I can sense a can incoming. :frowning:

Wut lol? Why would this be canned

Forget Iā€™ve said anything. Letā€™s move on. Confirmed townies - shurian and I.

Unless shurian is a drug dealer? :thinking: