Battle of 25 armies - Warhammer Fantasy FM - RoM & Elf win

Welp. I somehow forgot to mention my result.
I was occupied.
That probably will help with PoE a bit considering all potential things

(Late) Flavor:

When joint forces of Undead, Chaos and Greenskins landed on sacred island Ulthuan old aliances shattered to pieces and leaders started to blame each other of treason.

At that time one person remained calm - Magnus the Pious, Emperor of Empire of Man. He called his army and gave a speach from tower of Hoeth, god of wisdom.

I can see in your eyes that you fear this enemy. I can see in your eyes that you wonder how we can fight such terrible monsters. Men of the Empire, I have the answer: We fight them with our steel, we fight them with our courage, but above all we fight them with our faith in Sigmar!

Word spread fast, few other lords joined Magnus in his swift counterattack on still unprepared army of Von Carsteins.
Zombies, vampires and undead monsters had no chance against paladins of Empire and ultimetly turned to bones and ashes from wich they were borned.

And same as soilders shouted during a battle, I will write:

“Glory to Emperor.”

~Unknown human annalist


I swear to say this now but.


Fite me.

Fite daddy rag

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I fite u scum talker.

So what scum do you think I am?

Dunno. But u talk smack and thats enough for me to know u are scum.

How so?

Point it out.


What is Warhammer?

A game.

You are saying that i visited margerete Night one, that isnt true cause i visited someone else. And i got information. So in my opinion, you talk scum.

@Mercenary A world u will never comprehend. In the grim dark future, there is only war.

Its a Hammer for war

Lmao, that is a reaction test.

A whole universe with many games (computer, RPG), books ect.

Nicely created.

Technically the truth

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Important Quotes u will never have to forget.

“Magnus did nothing wrong”
“Death to the False Emperor”
“Blood for the Blood God”
“Glory to the Chaos Gods”
“Hawkboy deserved to die.”

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What about catboy

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Glory to Arstotzka!

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@Mercenary give me headpats

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gives headpaws

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