Battle of 25 armies - Warhammer Fantasy FM - RoM & Elf win

I don’ t remember them saying anything particular weird… and lately in on phone so i dont reread or iso anything… still will wait for what next luxy says, i will be more sober tomorrow.

I should read the slot when it was held by a Level 2 rather than a Level 3, but I’m not certain if Tw1light said anything significant; lemee check

How does it feel to still be cleared, btw?

The hell is level 2, 3.

A way of classifying players based on experience and playstyle.

Also further to your point here, I had what, 6 votes on me at the time? Two extra plus mayor would have gotten me lynched. I think claiming was reasonable there.

Could you explain it further?

The thing is when reading somebody like Alice, Penguin Math or Marl you have to look closely at their opening and since Math was a sub it’s a bit hard to find an opening.

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I’m grateful that it’s not turning into the TvTfest that was CITJR3.

Level 1 - Newbie or player who still has a newbie mindset, dosen’t quite grasp how reads work yet.

Level 2 - Intermediate, understands the depth of the game but still has trouble reaching it, and often falls into traps.

Level 3 - Experienced, very good at the game and thus very hard to read well.

Where do i buy level 4 certificate.

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By offering to upload an adele cover if your wolfteam wins the game on Day 1 obviously


At eevee’s house.

(i mean that the promise is made on Day 1, not if you win on Day 1)

winning day 1 oof

Also, here’s a question.

Say RoM, dwarves and elves were the last factions alive.

Would that make RoM mass kingmakers?

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Yeah, pretty much.

That might be the case, unfortunately

I feel the game is doomed to end in kingmaker with this six way circlejerk setup.

what is kingmaker as well?

We slaughter the faction that played the worst