Battle of 25 armies - Warhammer Fantasy FM - RoM & Elf win

lol Wut did he do in this game again

monkaS why me

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Cause your townread by everyone, and i believe you can scumhunt.

Run through what your mind is saying about me being wolf here, FK.

Blizer please my gut is rebeling


cough bin cough

I sā€™pose it should also be noted that sleepwalkers can be of any faction. So just because one is not a sleepwalker, doesnā€™t mean the other is necessarily town.

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i actually forgot about bin lul.

Heā€™s confirmed Town however we exclude him from our town bloc parties based on his past behaviors


Pretending you donā€™t know what chaos do :thinking:

Oh dear, Maximus is getting confirmation biased.

Ici is town Iā€™m going with my gut if Iā€™m wrong who cares we get a confirmed scum

Ici stop making my gut want to not believe in you

The problem is, two people are claiming sleepwalker, who visited the same person.


Bin is town, is that a problem


Iā€™m doing an emotional reaction test.



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My aim was to make Maxi flare in anger about me calling him confirmation biased for thinking heā€™s wolf.

Thatā€™s not my point.

My point is, one is quite clearly not a sleepwalker.

The other one could very well be a sleepwalker, but that in no way means theyā€™re town.

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