Battle of 25 armies - Warhammer Fantasy FM - RoM & Elf win

you should become my vassal btw

Ohnoes ive been caught save me

The war’s already started, Rag. Prepare to hide

Fuck off Gandhi

Sure let’s go with that


/Vote Bin
@overthebin you seem to be wanting people to not do anything today what’s with that.

@Emilia I’ll carry you here to if you vote.

We reinforce our policies with NUCLEAR WEAPONS

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Mommy hide me under ur skirt

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Can I quick shep onto otb?
What is the otb?

Yes you can.


Parental Controls are not turned on. Thus Shurian will ignore this statement.

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I welcome all kinds of sheep

Looks at wardrobe
I don’t even own a skirt

otbs opening post reminds me of PKR`s from Mountainous, ngl.

am i pkr?

Vote bin for 2?

wich one

/vote blizer


I don’t know, have you looked at yourself in the mirror?