Battle of 25 armies - Warhammer Fantasy FM - RoM & Elf win

I’m starting to think it would be better for everyone if I just got modkilled
I’m not asking for modkill

I’m just stressed.

Nu we need a townbloc of destiny merc

Stop right there

Hides behind Luxy

Time for bed goodnight all.

@Emilia you leave merc alone

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No worries.
I would never approach those FILTHY ELVES.



Good luck buddies :slight_smile:

/vote MathBlade

See you in dead chat FireKitten.

Eevee comes
Modkills everyone


Epic trinity smite

Forty keks since you were hammered anyway

Well we can blame nerbins

twilight posting intensifies

Tw1light isn’t posting tf you are talkin about

(Twi was replaced by Math hurhurhur)

Previsible joke, filthy elf.

Also previsible, filthy elf number two.

If I’m a number two

You’re gonna get shit on

Too bad I’m the only number 76

Soldier 76, reporting for duty
