Battle of 25 armies - Warhammer Fantasy FM - RoM & Elf win

poisoner is a big threat. astand first.

Smh let the poisoner astand get away then

I am basically confirmed town how do you guys not see it

letme hammer so we can go next day. lol */vote astand

/vote astand

Poisoner would mean more kills right?

yep. poisoner is a killer which kills you by the end of the next day.

Oh excuse me “NOT an Ally” Luxy, how would i lie bout it?

Thinking about it poisoner would lead to more kills and we can get luxy later I’m pretty sure aslong as the scum team don’t get near majority
/vote astand

@eevee i think Luxy got hammered ALREADY
might need a vc

i think you’re too late
Bin’s vote counts as 4

alright that’s fine we need the posioner out the next day.

oh wait
he voted astand

my brain read astand as luxy

Why do you want luxy first? I get both are evil but poisoner right now needs to die first

Because Luxy is Australian and i’m jealous


Because you’re a greenskin/undead/chaos trying to get an easy mislynch. You’re probably the framer tbh


What temperature is it there right now :^)