Battle of 25 armies - Warhammer Fantasy FM - RoM & Elf win

/vote luxy

Jail me tonight I want you to confirm yourself on me

i wanted to do someone else ;(

but kk

What’s the VC? I feel like we’re getting close to hammer

There is also another way your sword didn’t work cuz he is death immune.

did you vote luxy yet or just say you’re voting luxy

I think we are at 4/7 rn.

i voted luxy already

WItch is not Deathimmune when i look at the Sheet and look at witch…

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Chaos, Undead, Greenskin

-Changes the target of someone to visit someone else.

-For example. Person A wants to kill person B. Witch then makes Person A target Person C, so Person C dies instead

-Witches can also make regular non visitors like citizens, visit people at night.

-Players will be notified that their targets were manipulated

Chaos witch.

is this not chaos witch

Its chaos or Undead witch.


Chaos (Evil Neutrals)

-Knows who partners are

-Can’t communicate with them

-One random faction member cannot be killed during the night

-Allied with the Undead and the Greenskins

-Eliminate the Dwarfs, Realms of man, and Elves

If it flips undead, Insanity is scum

If it flips Chaos, Insanity could be town, could be scum.


and regardless luxy is dead right?

he was already in death row since yesterday.


i wonder why he ain’t dead yet then, maybe cause WE ARENT VOTING EM

Also, idk if its me, but Hj made one comment and just fucking left.

Like that`s pretty fucking scummy.

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