Battle of 25 armies - Warhammer Fantasy FM - RoM & Elf win

Night 5 result:

Marluxion has died. They were:


" Them elves ain’t that scary. Deyz just stunties who’z a bit taller. "

Grom the Paunch the greatest of goblin warbosses (also fatest) and Greenskin Tailor

Day 6 start.

It will last 72h or until a lynch happens.

wait what? that’s 4 greens is it not?

Ok, no.

This makes no sense.

One green skin is immune at night.

4 die at night.

who can flip others as different classes again

Tailor can do that.

Thats two greenskin tailors though.

yeah but rolelists say there can only by 3… 4 are dead currently

So, now im thinking that Squid and nerb were both tailored now.

You get a notification if you were tailored.

So, idk why people didnt out that they were.

/vote HJ

So, i think there is one more greenskin alive, and potential chaos.

Marl most likely tailored both Squid and Nerb.

no marl is fine, i checked him last night, hes ally

I’m just suprised you didn’t shoot rag since you 2 are enemies

I dont ahve any shots left.

My last one went on squid.

elf and dwarf am i mistaken?

Cause u are dwarf.

Dwarves are allied with greenskins.


I dont have any shots left.

So, i just have a vote.

There is still a greenskin amongst us, and a potential chaos.

Aswell, a bus driver.