Except get the last undead lynched
Oh yea, i forgot lul.
To not make My position worse
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Eevee My flavour
I mean FK and I are a hydra in the big event going on at MU
I don’t think you’re in the same bracket as us (or if you’re even hydraing at all)? I know eevee is as well as Poke and Hjasik
Tbh, Game was great in general, and the Setup and classes have a great balance.
Remove feedback aaaa
Nah, its fine,
You got enough classes to fuck with it.
Yeah I’m definitely trying to find the ability to do that on here. I’m used to pushing reads in a very different setting where I can actually have a thread presence instead of being poster #20 (I ended this game #18 but was ~23 yesterday) and barely keeping up with the thread load, let alone having time to make people follow me.
Drug Dealer and Tailors are great examples.
At least I got insanity lynched, eventually
Removing feedback would royally screw the drug dealer, Chaos roles are designed to be real powerful.
There’s zero reason to remove feedback besides salt
You just messed up badly
Drug dealer is designed to bus you scummates and make blizer think he was converted
I was so fucking confused lul.
And replace ppl out
Blame sam
And what’s my real flavor?