Battle of 25 armies - Warhammer Fantasy FM - RoM & Elf win

Define town


Realm of Man? Dwarves? Chaos?
All of those constitute as human-like races.

Realm of man

Or realm of woman

We really need to clear this up.

RoM/Dwarves/Elves - Town
Everyone else - Scum.

Thats false


Elves and Dwarfs can submit a short last will wich will be delivered to other alive faction members on theirs death.

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I don’t understand where you are coming from.

This is something that isn’t important to argue, considering Multiball is in many respects similar to this game.

So I guess someone who is active in thread rn is elv or dwarf and haven’t submitted short last will?

This is not similar to multiball in anyway

Why are we arguing about this?

Why not

Hmm, this could be useful as a means to confirm people as TNs.

Elves and Dwarves should submit two sentences and when they die one faction member should post the first sentence while the second one should post the second sentence. This could essentially create a pair of two players who are not scum so we can reduce the PoE.

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I’m going to say something here,
Elves and Dwarves will 100% side with Unseen & Greenskin respectively.
Wonder why?

An equal amount of non-RoM have to kill RoM and they have high chance of killing them.

RoM is equivulant to the Neutral Killer, not “town” at all.

You can look at Elves and Dwarves as alchemists pre-change

The true towns are the Greenskins and the Undead.

You stole this thought from my mind?

Undead bois

What is rom

Didn’t need to be said.

Leaning towards Elf/Dwarf or Undead/Greenskin. Likely leaning towards the Elf/Undead side due to past interaction

Realm of Man