Battle of 25 armies - Warhammer Fantasy FM - RoM & Elf win


No, they donā€™t.

Elves/Dwarves canā€™t win with NK

And they are allied with the Neutral Killer, who both the Elves/Dwarves want dead.

Fun fact: Chaos and RoM have the lowest chance of winning

If Elves and Dwarves play like normal people and avoid being read as RoM, they will be ignored as they are lesser of a threat to Chaos than RoM. They wonā€™t knowingly waste a kill when RoM exists

Does Survivorā€™s perpetual unkillabilty include death by lynch or just all death by night (since you made armor and unkillability different things)

They have the exact same threat value.

Chaos needs to kill them in order to win. I do not understand where you are getting any idea otherwise from.

You are softing Elf/Dwarf so hard.


All X uses roles have 3 uses.
Survivor would start with 3 armors.

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Wanted to make sure

@blizer who do you Town read right now frewn?

I will actually scream at the next person to say Town or Scum without saying the faction of relevance

Does your scream involve voting them?


Town or Scum without saying the faction of relevance


hello :wink:

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Isaac as your former mentor I use my authority to make you out your faction and role

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im scared to out my self

thatā€™s the only info u get mentor

Town = Elves, Dwarves, Humans
Scum = Greenskin, Undead, Chaos

if elves/dwarves are acting in a way friendly to scum, then they are also scum.

Hi nice to meet you, my name is firekitten I have some food for you if you want.