Battle of 25 armies - Warhammer Fantasy FM - RoM & Elf win

Don’t do that

Open “squidding” is bad as people don’t 100% know you are mafia till you flip

Don’t you encourage that kind of behavior?

Yes, so I can complete my win con

He does it to get a reaction.

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I usually dont meme

save your energy until it starts guys and girls. :stuck_out_tongue:



Don’t give me weird ideas plz.

do it

Cult Alligned Paladin King!

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there is a secret role cap its 25

Damn, it wasn’t supposed to be known.

How did you find it out?


Btw - funny fact, this game can roll all-vanilla.

Prove me wrong.

what about town neutrals

God, I found a perfect way to force 25 people to play vanilla setup. Wow.


Six Faction Mountainous lmao

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2 maf vs 2 town and 46 neuts. 10/10

15 jailors 1 maf go

sup eevee, sended u dm bout the FM :smiley: