Battle of 25 armies - Warhammer Fantasy FM - RoM & Elf win

-_- I never said that I was good

max I think thereā€™s another reason

I still scumread you slightly btw

Fk said it first anyone could fake it after that

I think max is scum. That post.

Well, at least the emoji spam makes the reaction test theory seem plausible, so congrats, you kind of spewed yourself as town.

but bin is more scummy


can i also say something whovi doubt or should i be a silent sheep?

Luxy thoughts on bin?

Good at the game you meathead

Vote Count:

Voted Voters Count
OTB Insanity, Icibalus Rag, Astand Isaac Firekiten Alice Bin 8/13
Hjasik Twil1ight 1/13
Blizer Max 1/13
Max Blizer Squid Hjaisk Merc 4/13

Iā€™ve only read upto ~600 but he is super fluffy. I donā€™t like how Ici said one of his fluff posts were super towny like what?

No u toximusprime :wink:

Read into the fluff of bin, itā€™s possible.

Meatheadā€¦ Fucking hell

Also brb checking my wagon, bet around half of it is non HUMAN

Since when did I vote them

Max thatā€™s a given lol

what? Iā€™m not Scum17z

so kitten, is it fine if i say my mind or be a silent sheep?