Battle of 25 armies - Warhammer Fantasy FM - RoM & Elf win

/vote Blizer

Found his opening posts to be quite scummy, and as Rag pointed out, seems to have been trying to buddying him.


Dont need a defense boyo.

The whole thing of ici being scum was that he was coaching bin into clearing himself, obviously that’s impossible

Okay. /Vote Blizer

Yeah, i get it that he wants to protect me cause its my first FM but it sounded too prepared, too crafted for it to be real somehow, and its a popular tactic for scum,mafia,unseen,cult, what u wanna call it

Why not.

I mean he revealed as Mayor :eyes:

That’s somewhat nonsensical as I’m quite sure all three scum teams have day chat in this setup.

What are you talking about? This whole thing relies on them having a daychat

Chaos doesnt have a chat.

They know who each other are, but they dont have a chat.

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Why did you feel the need to post this?

Inb4 they are chaos.

?roll d25

/vote Insanity

IIoA is super scum indicative for Insanity change my mind

And I thought I was doing good T_T

I agree with the point about Blizer potentially being buddies with Ici, but it can easily fall through.

It’s our best shot though.

/vote Blizer

If this flips town I’d like a check on Squid if we have one.


Information instead of Analysis: Basically talking about mechanics etc instead of trying to scumhunt in order to appear like you’re contributing.

You mentioned about Ici coaching OTB into clearing himself, which is literally impossible.