Battle of 25 armies - Warhammer Fantasy FM - RoM & Elf win


He still cant believe they have done this And So he is speechles

When one Celeste appears, her mini-me follows :thinking:

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I didnt know this was an Austin Powers movie.


I gotta check to see what happened 13 hours ago when Marl posted that. Surprised he hasn’t found a target to tunnel yet.

Chaotic Neutral


Marl possessed me and that’s why I am tunneling HALP! /s

I can see him

uh huh
that was my response to the 2 thousand posts d1
no i will not read any of them

Indeed, I’m excited

Wolfy post

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Marluxion post.

You’re still expecting him to read?

i’ll start reading when there are 10 or less people alive k

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I’m expecting him to read more then htm

Are you actually serious or not?

I don’t expect him to read hell I am not

But I do expect wordy words and content

Then ill start reading when there is 0 or less ppl alive

I was obviously briefing Marl my Undead scummate


Wolfy post

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