Battle of 25 armies - Warhammer Fantasy FM - RoM & Elf win

Incorrect. You’ll peek them as allies, which is unhelpful for US who need the Greenskins dead as well.


this is amazing.

just what you needed right blizer

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Thats why i checked u last night ici, cause i had doubts bout u

Also if we kill off the mafia and only Town neutrals are left I do a personal request to let the person who played better win and kill off the other side of neuts

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May I ask if you had any specific doubts for any specific reason?

I still want to know why Astand visited me.

They are already suspcious so no one would kill them :smiley:

We have two seperate Thunderdomes atm.

Ici vs Math

Astand vs Luxy vs Blue.

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If they were scum they would have claimed human IMO.

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Ici may not be Undead according to your check, but he could still be Greenskin

Firekitten, I’m not asking that question to determine if the person who I’ve already cleared is wolf.
I’m asking it for an entirely different reason.

Because in the beginning u tried to help me and all, that was nice and all but it sounded for me somehow prepared, like crafted and that had me make sus somehow. so i wanted to be sure

That has some point i guess… Fine, I am human doctor, was on you cause i thought you could be a likely target… Why it does not heal poison, I don’t fucking know.

but but but wha


Here’s what my meta search on Merc is turning up; As village they definitely analyse things more than this, but more importantly I feel like there’s a difference in tone;

While both of them in the two games I’m looking at right now demonstrate a kind of confusion, the confusion in their meta village game (OWFM) contains far more engaged confusion if that makes sense. While merc has grown a lot as a player since then (insert him watching me and Eevee desperately trying to convince each other we were wolves here) I feel like there’s a sort of apathy between them and what they’re saying in this game.

Plus the IioA, of course.

And for that reason:

/vote Mercenary

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I’m convinced Astand is scum from their last sentence in their statement btw

we don’t vote outside those 5 people ici there’s 2 scum in them


The above vote is probably going to change to MathBlade unless I find some stuff that actually proves we’re both sleepwalkers somehow.

I’m pretty sure Doctors can’t heal poison :confused:

Astand is scum though. I don’t believe that Doctor claim tbh.

Incidentally, is it weird that Firekitten seems to be digging awfully hard into me who he’s supposedly cleared (rag’s peek)?

It feels somewhat forced but I can’t say why.