Battle of 25 armies - Warhammer Fantasy FM - RoM & Elf win

Stop voting so fast btw

Takes out torch
Begone child born out of wedlock!

Do not want the mayor to quick hammer

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lol it ain’t even worth my time to say how incorrect Luxy is since he’s openwolfing

No u

No, it’s a perfectly fine setup you could have claimed a number of things lol

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No really?

No its shit and unfair

No one suspected me until this

You slipped, thats your own fault tbh.

Absolutely not lol.

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This game would be unbalanced without Roles


Which group are you?

6 faction mountainous

Oh boy.

Tell me what I could claim please?

Doctor bodyguard

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Doesn’t doctor heal the poison?

Someone that doesn’t move targets? :woman_shrugging:

Bodyguard would attack the poisoner

No, thats the gimmick of poisoner.

You get the guaranteed kill.

Unless occupied or BG.