Battle of 25 armies - Warhammer Fantasy FM - RoM & Elf win

Boy I missed a lot.
I read the things though.
Don’t worry.
I’m up to date.

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Hey did you visit me?


I didn’t read the entire thread & all & all & all
Actually I confess being very afkish and most of those are gut-based.

Max - Scumlean
Ninja - I didn’t see if they posted anything at all, but Alice had some interesting actions that however could’ve been caused because of her emotional state
Insanity - Scum
OTB - obviously town.
Astand - Something don’t feels right to me there, so it’s a gut null-mafia. If they are evil I don’t feel as if they were chaos, but from the Undead or Greenskin team.
Blue - Either elf or witch.
Ici - Town, I like the post they made on me.
FK - Locktown.
Ragna - I believe their Dwarf claim.
Luxy - I believe they are poisoner, scum.
Math - mixed feelings, have to read their posts better

I think it is Luxy + Astand tbh, maybe Luxy + Math

Hey I don’t see myself in the list.

I didn’t read enough of your posts or I passively ignored them

Well for a start, Luxy is outed Witch.

Wise choice.

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Maybe they did so as Poisoner so we would get the actual Witch and they could poison someone else

oof don’t be like that

And also Math and Ici are thunderdomed.

People thinking like this are scum change my mind

What’s our policy on neutrals right now?

there’s legit zero reason for someone to out themself as scum by slipping just for a extra kill

If we get on Dwarves x Elves x Town we help the faction that played better uwu

Neut Towns are to be referred to as town.

Neutrals are Town

Besides chaos?

Except when they’re Chaos in which case they’re scum

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That’s not neutral
That’s scum

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