Battle of 25 armies - Warhammer Fantasy FM - RoM & Elf win

Lol, they think they have enough scum to take down the Town :clap:

Cop got an ally check

Messenger at your service
Wanna a @mail?

Cause it exists

I’m actually cop and firekitten is not an ally so he’s probably chaos

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Furthermore if Luxy is the witch will gladly take two scum revealed today

/vote Luxy

Then why did he cause two scum to openwolf?

Luxy slipped and is now openwolfing.

Due to the thunderdome you were in with Ici, plus mechanical info, your our poisoner here.

I’ll rather the poisoner die, mr poisoner

Openwolfing :eyes:

Ding dong bing bong.

/vote Math

Again I haven’t read I got home

He can still be correct on others he’s just confused on me and Ici.

MathBlade is town vote firekitten

Why do I feel like Luxy and Math are not on the same scumteam? It’s either that or they’re distancing, but it’s really giving me odd vibes

Yay we have outed scum and we are flipping a citizen

Lovely sigh

Yep I feel this too
But my senpai is gonna die so I’m sad.

WIFOM, I see :thinking:

I was gonna hypothesise about Chaos having a Berserker and that being why scum is so confident in openwolfing but that doesn’t make much sense since they can’t converse.

Unless Messenger somehow found them or something IDK

You should vote firekitten too