Battle of 25 armies - Warhammer Fantasy FM - RoM & Elf win

sumimasen. :bowing_man:


You won’t make a game with 6 factions, they said…
It would require over 50 people, they said…



Something something slank cover
Something something yeeeeee

@Kirefitten join it :^)

looks back at contract

Wasn’t I suppose to be co hosting this.

No, you was meant to be votecount bot, wich you can do as a player :’)

You made me look back through discord

I mean, I give you an oportunity.

If you won’t play, you will help me with everything, if you play then only with vote counts.



This actually looks really fun and I’ll bail at any chance to play this game if I only have to do vote counts.

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looks at role cards

Yea…i’m just waiting when most people would be a Citizen. KEK

join this


Replaces out of a game
Ins another even larger game


i inned this before I figured out my idiocy, and I’d prefer to be in this game

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/in got the last one? Nvm 17 isnt the last one

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starting new commitments instead of finishing pre-existing ones :thinking: sounds about the kind of decision i’d expect from someone your age


25 people in a game. @_@ lets see how this goes.

believe it or not I am actually still a 15 year old
it surprised me when I figured it out as well

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reminder to those who are in other games. please dont forget about that game thanks.

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