Battle of 25 armies - Warhammer Fantasy FM - RoM & Elf win

I’ll mislynch them later don’t worry.

Firekitten gamethrowing?

We need to get them out before they gamethrow even harder

No im turning into marl.

Grabs Cake Batter Popcorn

/votes Firekitten even harder

Cough you should all do the same


/vote Fire Kitten

Vote count:

Voted Voters Count
Math Ici, Firekitten, Blizer, Blue, Insanity, Squid, Max, Livi 8/12
Luxy Gamer, Math 2/12
Firekitten even harder Luxy, Merc 2/12
Insanity Ragnarok 1/12

Uh merc is voting firekitten not firekitten even harder

stop talking wolf

Stop talking wolf

tyvm for supporting me squiddo


1 Like

I’m a kitten tho


No steal my pictur

btw for reals
who are the confirmed CONFIRMED townreads
(not counting me and luxy obv)

I don’t see you using it anymore

Squid also stole my phrase.
Yes, elf cop, this one.

I like my cops human, thank you very much

Since when did I ever stop using it?