Battle of 25 armies - Warhammer Fantasy FM - RoM & Elf win

You asked for my reads and not for my locks :cry:


@Marluxion has replaced Marluxion.


@H_Hjasik has replaced H_Hjasik

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insert double spiderman meme here

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/vote Firekitten

obvious scum

Vote count:

Voted Voters Count
Math Ici, Firekitten, Blizer, Blue, Insanity, Squid, Max, Livi 8/12
Luxy Gamer, Math 2/12
Firekitten Luxy Marl 2/12
Insanity Ragnarok 1/12

have you actually read the thread where math and luxy outted as scum

or read the fact that I die from poison today

Livi keeps dodging my question, dunt blame me if they do something stupid now

/Vote Math

Nani tf

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Welcome back @Marluxion

Let marl answer the question first

Lol fk dies at the end of day.


/vote fk :sheep:

Marluxion has joined the townblock!

but ur obvious scum m8ty

I agree