Battle of 25 armies - Warhammer Fantasy FM - RoM & Elf win

Fancy play syndrome

Look at ragna’s lies falling apart

@RagnaroekIV how about you reveal the dwarf code if you’re the only one left? Surely it doesn’t matter

Earlier today ragna refused to reveal it

You said it urself, why would anyone check someone who openly wolfs, i think its to create distraction, that its a plan you crafted with ur mates so you thought u are safe from checks, because the Investigators check nullposting people. My gut said you were sus for me and so i checked you, suddenly you are not an ally. If there is a framer, he knows it itself why to frame someone obvious like you. Or its a nice crafted plan from your side of the game.

I said that im the last dwarf left, so theres no point to reveal it cause no one would read it anways. But how nice u go against me now Luxy

Reveal what the last wills said

He cant because he isn’t a dwarf scum caught :clap:

We both know i could tell everything here cause im the only one who knows the will, that doesnt prove anypoint at all from your side now

no u

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Its scumming 101 to frame scummy people oml

Why won’t you post it

so why are you so obviously trying to shadethrow

cause eve forgot to post it and is doing it right now

because that gives the scum more information? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Im catching scum like what

ur catchin a lynch

Yes the dwarf code gives scum more info when 2 dwarves are dead

No i am town go read my posts surely you can see the fps

give me one dwarf counter claim.