Battle of 25 armies - Warhammer Fantasy FM - RoM & Elf win

Stan Lee is dead.

Poke was the only visitor. I think I might have been targeted by the drug dealer it makes more sense imo

Drug dealer canā€™t fake tracker/LO checks thoughā€¦

Drug Dealer

Chaos, Greenskin, Undead

-Drug someone to replace a personā€™s feedback with any of your choosing

-For example, you can give a citizen feedback that they were slept with, or were wagon driven, or they got cake. A super creative role!

Super creative implies that they can give any feedback they would like. So like any checks

I was never shot, I wasnā€™t notified about it or anything.

I wad prevented on marl.

If you were attacked but immune, you would have gotten a notification about it, right? :thinking:

I was never shot :man_shrugging:

Or he lies bout it cause he knows hes death immune

That doesnā€™t answer my question, bucko

Yes it does

I asked if you would have gotten a notification if you were attacked but immune to attacks, not ā€œWere you attacked last night?ā€

That implies I got no notification. Now get your head out of your ass and stop being stupid

Facepalms Itā€™s a yes or no question, not an ACT short answer question

What are you trying to accomplish here?

Act like a twat?

Iā€™m not answering until you answer my question. Now stop stalling before I throw a bag of Sour Cream and Onion chips at you

Iā€™ve already answered your question smh


No :clap: you :clap: did :clap: not :clap:
All you said was ā€œI wasnā€™t attacked last night, derpā€
Iā€™m meaning IF you (Or someone else if for some reason you canā€™t understand me) were attacked, would you (or they) get a notification?