Battle of 25 armies - Warhammer Fantasy FM - RoM & Elf win

i wanted to check squid but changed it this morning, i totally forgot

To whom?

who did u change it too?

i checkef insanity who came up no ally!!!


Lynch Insanity, the Drug Dealing Mofo and his BDSM fetish.

eevee just reminded me that i changed, my bad

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I have fetish too


Were not bringing that up.

Lynch Insanity.

Okay I don’t even care about hammer game should end here:
/vote Insanity

when u vote me tomorrow cause im dwarf tell me at least i tried to do good things cry

It doesnt, cause we elves need to kill rag.

I see, I have been tailored.

Well, lynch Rag tmr.

All the greenskins are dead
get fucking destroyed


Im sorry dude.

Honestly its quite tragic.

Yeah I guess you vig Rag tonight Blizer.

I have no more vigs.

I used them all.

i really tried in my first fm…i tried…

No I’m not a bus driver

Marl, are u an Elf boy?