Battle of 25 armies - Warhammer Fantasy FM - RoM & Elf win

That was my fuck up this game.

yeah was about to say one of the undead is night immune

killed em too fast

That was a fuck up by me.

Ninja is likely scum due too PoE.

Vote Count:

Voted Voters Count
Hjiask Plant 1/5
Ninja Blizer 1/5

so blitzer started the vote on insanity.

who voted next? that could be the scum we’re looking for

/vote ninja

chat history says ninja followed after so

Vote Count:

Voted Voters Count
Ninja Plant Blizer 2/5

@RagnaroekIV Question

Did u get a redcheck on Insanity?

he checked marl remember

i meant the night before.


Cause, i think Rag may have been drug dealed that night to give him a red check on Insanity, or on whoever.

is there any deception class for changing class when hung?

A Tailor can give someone a suit, which changes what they look like on flip.

Plant, who did u jail last night?

that affects trials?

There are no trials in this game.

a redcheck? u mean if scum or not?

I jailed bin, didn’t know who else to do. was a little lost.