Battle of 25 armies - Warhammer Fantasy FM - RoM & Elf win

i wasnt jailed shit

thats the night i checked insanity, remember?


Drug deal replaces all night results

I think plant knows that and he is chaos

/Vote Plant

Was going to shoot you or marl, glad I shot marl

that one time, maxi is glad not to fuck me over or something and goes against someone else instead

Thanks for giving me that info, actually, cause Iā€™m confused as all fuck.

I flip town, rag got drugged that night, and then humans wonā€™t win.

Iā€™m confirmed n3. what else am i supposed to say.

Pretending you donā€™t know already :thinking:

Vote Count:

Voted Voters Count
Ninja Plant Blizer 2/5
Plant Max 1/5

Thereā€™s me and otb m8

Subtle slip but I think you just claimed non human

Jailkeeper is human. If bin canā€™t confirm me n5, then he can sure as hell confirm me n1.

No proof that you didnā€™t drug them N1

My vote stays

no drugged reports n1?

Marl confirmed me N3, regardless if he died or not. I didnā€™t get the jail off cause ninja the drug dealer is doing shit where i want to be. Notice how heā€™s let off just by claiming citizen.

assume marl was really greenskin scum, he gave u an easy alibi.


What else do I have to say to prove my innocence? I donā€™t have much to work with thanks to ninja the drug dealer

heā€™s claiming a regular citizen of all things.