Battle of 25 armies - Warhammer Fantasy FM - RoM & Elf win

So much fluff.
Imma stop fluffing and brb.

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you said you gonna end fluff only D2

/does the fortnite default dance in the battlefield

liar caught


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I need your help to determine Hja’s alignment.

In order to do this I’ll need your credit card info, the three digits on the back and the expiration date.


Oh shittt
Ohnoes im caught
I say when it ends 3:<

squid you are way more active as town than this

delet this


Squid you’re town neut.

You really don’t want the tunnel.

damn emotes dont translate so well :confused:

trying to get me modkilled? nani??

that was my plan

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I woke up for a 12/12 FM that started at 7 am and I think I lost half of my brain cells due to banging my head against the bed frame, so eh

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Dont worry
Its okay 3:

I am the bone of my sword.

don’t your head hurt from that? :worried:

do I see AtE