Battle of 25 armies - Warhammer Fantasy FM - RoM & Elf win


Firekitten just appears to be doing the Amrock-style play that heā€™s learnt from Eevee.
What the fuck have you done eevee, youā€™ve created yet another Amrock!

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what is amrock

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wth is the amrock

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Iā€™ll pretend to know

sounds delicious

Amrock is a player on MU known for his wild pushes, reaction tests and absoloute confidence, who is well respected due to his good track record of catching wolves.

He used to be a spammy innacurate asshole until Eevee used dark magic to give him the power of wolfreading.


amrock garnished with lemon sprinkled with some pepper

can you give me power of wolfreading

well i go that wrong. help

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Squid is town neut. Discuss.

no u

assume everyone is wolf. there. some quality wolfreading.

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Ici, I think youā€™re right about me slowing turning into a Marl, itā€™s not a full cycle in an MU game and I can already feel the brain expanding (Or itā€™s my brain swelling due to me smashing my head against a hard surface)

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you will always wolfread wolf if you wolfread everyone

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new strategy. everyone out their faction so we know who to team up with.

No because I canā€™t wolfread.

This is besides the point, anyway.

I think thereā€™s probably something in Firekittenā€™s opening but itā€™s not high on my list of priorities to find it.

bang your head to a soft surface thanks.

and who should I ask for that power

what faction? wanna team up?