Battle of 25 armies - Warhammer Fantasy FM - RoM & Elf win

TBH ici its my first forum FM ever, so i literally just took a random guess

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welcome to your first forum game. it gets intense here easily. just giving you a heads up.

Good afternoon y’all.
I Confirm I have my role and am ready for this complete and utter madness.

I know that. That’s fair.
I’m just trying (and failing) to show you how things work around here.

Vote Count:

Voted Voters Count
OTB Blizer, Insanity, Icibalus 3/13
Hjasik Twil1ight 1/13
Squid Geyde, Hjasik 2/13
Icibalus Firekitten 1/13

all of the above flavors thanks.

Totally stealing that vote count table

Hey there.

So, getting down to business; When you’ve read the thread could you give me who you’d instnatly gladiate if you had to?

self gladiate

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rip where did everyone go?

they died

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I’d self gladiate if I could.
Putting myself against my top scumread (Which I will insert later)
Gladiator chooses 2 people and 1 dies, right?

If you and only one other person could be lynched, who would that person be?


gladiator chooses 3 pll and 4 dies

imba pls nerf

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im still here but dunno what to say lel

Welcome to FM!

you need to tell us what faction youre part of

@Geyde can I have a reason for why you asked me about Firekitten in particular?

town, what else