Battle of 25 armies - Warhammer Fantasy FM - RoM & Elf win

one thing is experienced player and other new player


I just mindmelded with Hjasik what has the world come to


Granted. Iā€™ll let Ragna take off their swimming costume for now.

why you think so bad of me :roll_eyes:

U still discuss bout my behaviour? oƓ

PSA: Claiming ā€œprovableā€ is inviting all the protectives to waste a night

No, no. Donā€™t protect me.

Not exaclty. Weā€™re mostly discussing Blue who tried to dispute the fact that I believe youā€™re village.

Why do ya wanna be killed mate

I donā€™t need the protection, letā€™s leave it there.

Are there dayvigs?

Ye, in scum tho

Ooh, I did NOT think of that.

>heavily softing bulletproof

Are there protections to day vigs?

There are wolf-alligned dayvigs
what fun

Only Greenskins and Undead have em.

Unfortunately not

However they do have to out their wolf status to use the extra kill power.