Battle of 25 armies - Warhammer Fantasy FM - RoM & Elf win

in fairness there were about 80 vanillas because screw anybody who wants to play 172p rolemadness


Wouldn’t be that hard on MU as they have a lot of automated software to handle shit like ITAs and VCs.

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Thats pretty dope

oh yeah that to
MU has auto-ITAs and auto-votes

Was it majority or plurality?

Also who won

The village won because the final serial killer got modkilled at the end


There were about 7 serial killers all on the same team btw

@Kirefitten they tried to manipulate the rules to get a very slight advantage, but it was very very bad so modkill was required.

rip to those who rolled human.

What rules?

i can’t remember everything
but it was a community forum mafia and had one of the greatest roles ever

what role

Artist JOAT - each night you may draw a drawing and you will perofrm the action depicted in that drawing

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Thats actually so cool.

Draws a picture of everyone dying but you.


Tbf everyone that is town would probably die if you drew that and no scum would

So, Become Kirby, gotcha

obviously you can only target one person per night
and even if you try to break the game the hosts will just be deliberately stupid