Battle of 25 armies - Warhammer Fantasy FM - RoM & Elf win

lol wut

We have a 100% chance of hitting scum

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Every player we kill in any way is scum to someone else

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I wouldn’t mind hitting a neutral evil here tbh. It’s like warlock I feels


I’m 90% sure Sam is Chaos with the few damn statements he made

We are saying in relation too Town. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: maybe there is a reason why you aren’t speaking about town?

Either Chaos or Dwarf/Elf

Chaos I mean, is a mad good hit

Cuz I dont need to
No reason to talk about town lololol

Unlike others, I’m the tester

/vote Sam

Damn Chaos trying to act like RoM but failed to read the game rules lol

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The heck is RoM?

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You mean realms of man.

Realm of woman

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use the long hand please it’s easier to understand

n o

I’m a modern day woman that uses the most absurd acronyms

Will you princess carry me?


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Eevee that refuses to evolve that is somehow a Leafeon color but still an Eevee

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Margaret princess carry or no