Battle of 25 armies - Warhammer Fantasy FM - RoM & Elf win

No, it isn’t

It basically is

Theres a difference to crafting your posts so seem town, and having towny posts

When did Bin vote himself.

/vote Bin

i know that i overlook the easiest stuff maxi and cant handle basic observation cause i think much too complicated

Vote Count:

Voted Voters Count
OTB Insanity, Icibalus Rag, Astand Isaac Firekiten Alice Blizer 8/13
Hjasik Twil1ight 1/13
Blizer Max 1/13
Max Squid Hjaisk Merc 3/13

Why are you sheeping

I thought they meant just crafted

Cuz he’s scum

I pushed Bin originally.

I mean I got found out in the latest Mountainous for having too crafted posts, it’s a thing

Any way, Imma go back and finish reading, Live Reaction coming soon!

@Kirefitten don’t let this thread die

so kitten, explain in easy english why we jump otb and what was scummy bout his posts?

This is interesting, Ici says ISOing is bad Day 1 (in previous games) and just leads to tunnel vision/ staying on the same conclusion, yet he asks a new player to ISO Squid?

Question before I do schleep:

Aside from Rag, has Ici tried to soulread anyone?

@Kirefitten would you say Ici is trying to pocket the new player?

soulread? oO

Let me actually try to read ici in a hour, I can’t right now actually focus

wth how is this at all villagery content? it’s literally just fluff