Battle of 25 armies - Warhammer Fantasy FM - RoM & Elf win

Shitposts, but also things like “hey what’s going on?” and “yeah I agree” and just comments that are there to stop people from suspecting you through slanking.

Slanking being inactivity.

when i read trough the topic tbh with that gutfeeling soulthingy, there where people i thought “thats strange” or “i dont rly like this”

Interesting, care to share your thoughts and reasons?

Could be easily faked and is NAI to me

I can’t really tell if this is pocketing to just villagereading.

Ici seems to be super focussed on otb, it’s like he’s coaching him into clearing himself :thinking:

Ici, Kitten, Squiddy and margarete

Kitten’s town, and you’ve explained Ici, but the others are interesting, I shall keep that in the back of my mind.

Super self-conscious post considering there wasn’t a single vote on him

Squid picked up on it.

margarete sounded like he/she wrote her posts on purpose to create diversion, to change the direction away from someone.

and squiddy felt like not really logical, but i know that she is only acting with logic. but this time it didnt feel logical in my twisted mind

i dunno if it makes sense for u folks but in my twisted mind it felt like it

Marg is a she how do u not know that after being in lewd rps with her

lol i never did that and took my distance from that.

Gamer’s reaction to blue suspecting him is rather scummy


All anti-town factions actually have got the example town rolecard.

No mistake was made here.

I believe max is town now tbh

Actually more iffy on it. tries to think more

Why are we voting bin? Someone explain to me please

Why aren’t we voting Maximus didn’t he like fail the rolecard?

Sam what did I tell you about being a wolf.

You didn’t tell me anything.
If I remember correctly

11D strats insee